This year at Diamond High School students are using a new learning system called MyPath in place of IReady.
“The purpose of doing MyPath Is so that students can get the help that they need on whatever subjects that they are weak in,” Dr. Melissa Oates, math teacher and iReady Administrator said.
Students use the program during Wildcat Time for 15 minutes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
“It lets the students work on what they are weak in, or if they are on grade level, Then it is going to expose them to things that they are going to see this school year,” Dr. Oates said.
Students in the elementary and middle school use iReady as a diagnostic tool to help fill in the blanks for their students and help their learning journey. For high school, it was a tool but not the cure.
“Last year we had iReady as a tool and that was a decent tool because it let us use the diagnostic and, at least as teachers, get a report on where our students scored. Maybe they were at a fourth grade level, even though they were in high school, or maybe they were at a seventh grade level, even though they were freshmen,” she said.